InLoox OnPrem in Microsoft 365

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How to connect Microsoft 365 in InLoox OnPrem?


Important This support article is relevant to InLoox OnPrem only. For InLoox Cloud there is no need to create an Azure App.

Important Please make sure to have installed InLoox OnPrem Server from version 11.3.3 and later.

Important If you create the Azure App after the first installation of InLoox On-Premise you need to reconfigure this setting in the configuration mode of the server setup. Therefore please start the server setup as administrator and choose the option “Konfiguration anpassen”. There you can set the Azure app settings. After reconfiguring the settings please restart the IIS.

Restart IIS manager


Login to your Azure portal.

Go to the service Azure Active Directory.

Azure Active Directory


Switch to App registrations using the side panel.

App registrations


Click on + New registration.

Create new registration


Choose a name and within Supported account types choose „Accounts in this organizational directory only“. Then click on Register.

Note All other account types are compatible but irrelevant for most scenarios and settings.

Register application - name and supported account types


Now go to Authentication.



Please check the Supported account types again and possibly change them. Now choose + Add a platform. On the right side panel choose Web.

Add a platform


Insert your InLoox App login link here:

(https://{YOUR INLOOX APP URL}/login/signin-microsoft)

Note {YOUR INLOOX APP URL} is a placeholder for the URL your InLoox On Premise server is available.

Insert InLoox App login link


Insert the following URLs and click Save.

https://{YOUR INLOOX APP URL}/login/Manage/UserPermissionConsentCallback

https://{YOUR INLOOX APP URL}/signin-microsoft

https://{YOUR INLOOX APP URL}/login/Manage/AdminConsentCallback

Insert Redirect URLs


Go to API permissions.

API permissions


Click on + Add a permission and choose Microsoft Graph.

Add a permission - Microsoft Graph


Click on Delegated permissions and activate the following OpenId permissions. Then click on Add permissions.

Delegated permissions - activate OpenId permissions


Add the following Delegated permissions:

  • Contacts.Read
  • Contacts.Read.Shared
  • Mail.Read
  • User.Read
  • Files.ReadWrite.All
  • Sites.ReadWrite.All

Add the following Application permissions:

  • Calendars.ReadBasic.All
  • User.Read.All


The whole list of permissions should look like this:

List of permissions


Go to Certificates & secrets. Within Client secrets click on + New client secret. Enter a Description and when the secret expires. Then click on Add.

Certificates and secrets - new client secret

InLoox client secret


Important You have to save the value and secret id of this key. This information will only be shown once on this page. If you do not save the information, you have to generate a new key.


The previously saved information can now be entered inside the setup:

Enter informaton in InLoox OnPrem setup


Login to your InLoox account and go to My Profile and to Settings. Scroll to the bottom of the page and Connect Microsoft Account. Now your Azure App is connected to InLoox.

Connect Microsoft Account in InLoox settings


The login can now be done with your Microsoft account.

Login in InLoox using Microsoft Account